Many First Nations & Tribal Nations Lack Tribal Broadband Connectivity
Throughout the United States and Canada, and even in the presence of Federal subsidy, many first nations and tribal nations lack tribal broadband connectivity. While the balance of our communities leverages broadband connectivity to connect to Netflix, Hulu, gaming consoles as well as our schools and workplaces, tribal nations lack the same resource that allows them to dial 911, conduct telemedicine calls and connect their communities.
WAV and MBSI WAV have served these tribal and first nations since 2001, and not only have the largest and most consistent stocking position in the wireless market, but also have the technical aptitude, engineering capabilities and financing solutions available to bridge the digital divide and make tribal broadband connectivity more commonplace.
When engaging with our companies, your dedicated sales representative will take a responsive, communicative, and pro-active approach to your business, acting as a gateway to a wide breadth of supply chain, finance, engineering, and logistical resources unrivaled by our peers. Solving tribal broadband connectivity challenges through workshops, training, podcasts, certification, and collaboration with our wireless broadband solutions are some of the many ways we support our community of partners.
Wireless broadband solutions, as an alternative to fiber for tribal broadband connectivity was accelerated in March 2020 as Covid-19 exposed digital inequality throughout the United States. As shelter in place orders were implemented, tribal communities in areas where rural broadband was unavailable, struggled to stay connected to their schools, places of work and healthcare providers. Trenching fiber to those in need resulted in long lead times, and in areas where fiber could not be trenched at all, wireless broadband played an integral role.
In situations where traditional fiber solutions are not economical nor feasible, our point to point and point to multipoint solutions, available in a myriad of frequencies for each application, including, but not limited to 5GHz, 3.65GHz, 60GHz, 80GHz, can be leveraged to connect communities in hours and days instead of weeks and months, bridging the digital divide and bringing tribal broadband connectivity to those most in need.
Cambium Networks cnWave multi-gigabit fixed wireless provides fiber speeds without the time and cost associated with trenching. Rapidly provide connectivity for communities, including tribal government, residential, municipal and campus area networks.
Contact WAV today to request your dedicated WAV sales rep.