Guest Wi-Fi, Hotel Networking & Hotel Gateway Solutions for MSPs
One of WAV and MBSI WAV's key vertical markets is hospitality, providing guest Wi-Fi, hotel networking and hotel gateway solutions to our MSP (Managed Service Provider) partners. As hotel patrons bring multiple devices on their visit, with the expectation to connect them all, AND cast to an in-room device, hoteliers and managed service providers alike face the challenge of ensuring the guest Wi-Fi and wired networks are ready to meet that expectation. WAV and MBSI WAV are the right technology distributors for this important market.
Not only do WAV and MBSI WAV have the largest and most consistent stocking position in the hospitality market, but our dedicated sales representatives are engaged by taking a responsive, communicative, and pro-active approach to your business, acting as a gateway to a wide breadth of supply chain, finance, engineering, and logistical resources unrivaled by our peers.
As we’ve seen the hospitality market evolve throughout the pandemic, guest networks and guest Wi-Fi hardware have played a dual role in not only providing guest experience and connectivity, but also to support IOT applications for cost savings and compliance. Room temperature sensors leveraged as a cost-savings measure connect via the same hotel gateways and guest Wi-Fi hardware on the network. In addition, door locks and compliance-based safety solutions like staff panic buttons have become very relevant to this market.
As a Nomadix distributor, WAV recommends the Nomadix family of gateways that has been the industry standard in hospitality for 25 years with tens of thousands of gateways supporting millions of rooms deployed worldwide. They are the perfect solution to accommodate venues of all sizes, from hotels to multi-tenant properties to airports to stadiums and convention centers. Powered by patented technology — including powerful bandwidth management, Nomadix’s portfolio of Internet access gateways are THE industry standard.
Call today to discuss Nomadix hotel gateway and guest Wi-Fi solutions with one of our sales reps.