Mimosa B5c
WAV provides the best and fastest solutions the first time. Check with our experts to learn how the Mimosa B5c offers fast and reliable connections by cutting through the 5 Ghz noise.

Consumer demand for fast and reliable Internet connectivity requires powerful solutions like the Mimosa B5c to deliver increased performance and bandwidth. The Mimosa B5c offers the fastest connectorized unlicensed and public safety connectivity backhaul solution that can integrate with almost any antenna for long-distance point-to-point deployments.

Extreme Speed And Flexibility
The Mimosa B5c utilizes unique high-precision GPS Sync technology that enables Mimosa B5 and B5c products to utilize the same channel network. As the fastest unlicensed backhaul in the industry, the Mimosa B5c provides extensive bandwidth control options. Integrated dynamic modes automatically adapt to traffic demand and provide low link latency to ensure voice and video communications operate seamlessly. GPS sync mode also accommodates symmetric or 72/25 traffic direction reservation to coordinate traffic properly and maintain spectral efficiency.
Double Reliability
When delivering unlicensed spectrum, unpredictability can be worrisome. The Mimosa B5c’s multi-channel and auto-everything technologies bring peace of mind by protecting your links during interference. The Mimosa B5c automatically keeps links up with two independent operating channels that adapt in real-time using auto-everything technology.

Easily Monitor
The Mimosa B5c includes free access to Mimosa Cloud services that provide data collection and analysis tools to assess link health. With Mimosa Cloud services, ISPs can streamline device installation and management while enabling flexible network design and management configurations.
WAV offers a better way to connect. As a trusted wired and wireless distributor with engineering expertise, we can help you determine the ideal products for your applications. WAV also holds the largest stocking position in the market for our WISP, ISP, and integration partners, and we can deliver according to your timeline. Get in touch with one of our experts today to learn how solutions like the Mimosa B5c can help you innovate your network affordably.